Samsung Electronics announced Tuesday three models smartphone under the name "Wave" that works on its operating system called "Bada". Samsung unveiled Wave 3 with a 4-inch AMOLED screen and a 5 megapixel camera, and cheaper and M wave Y.
The M wave Samsung will be the first instant messaging tool Chaton installed. The Y wave of entry by a 3.2-inch screen goes on sale in October. Samsung has launched seven phones in the series since the first wave of Bada-based products on sale in May 2010. The series also provides access to Wave Apps Samsung, which has about 13 000 requests.
Moreover, Samsung has also announced plans to launch its own application that will allow users of other messages individually or in groups through a variety of platforms, devices and services. Unlike other mobile messaging applications that allow people to post with different devices, Kitten will mail to more devices, including mobile messaging functionality and web applications.
ChatOn offer a range of messaging options, and luxury 1 to 1 messaging, group chat, multimedia messaging, contacts and calendaring. Users will also be able to "similar" to other users' photos, comments user profile pictures and their level of activity to other users via a kitten "interaction rank."
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The M wave Samsung will be the first instant messaging tool Chaton installed. The Y wave of entry by a 3.2-inch screen goes on sale in October. Samsung has launched seven phones in the series since the first wave of Bada-based products on sale in May 2010. The series also provides access to Wave Apps Samsung, which has about 13 000 requests.
Moreover, Samsung has also announced plans to launch its own application that will allow users of other messages individually or in groups through a variety of platforms, devices and services. Unlike other mobile messaging applications that allow people to post with different devices, Kitten will mail to more devices, including mobile messaging functionality and web applications.
ChatOn offer a range of messaging options, and luxury 1 to 1 messaging, group chat, multimedia messaging, contacts and calendaring. Users will also be able to "similar" to other users' photos, comments user profile pictures and their level of activity to other users via a kitten "interaction rank."
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