There are recent rumors floating around the web about Chrome making its way to PS3. While Google has yet to officially confirm these rumors, many people are still hoping it is true. So let’s take a look at how this could be possible.
Sony and Android
Sony is obviously becoming very close friends with Google after their recent handheld announcements. The Xperia Play has recently released in certain regions, and already it is becoming the most popular gaming device with Android. This obviously boosts Android like devices, and brings a bigger market share to Google along with Sony. In the future Sony also holds the key of NGP, expected to absolutely blow all handheld gaming devices out of the water with the exception of 3DS.
This partnership between Google and Sony could be expanding because of the good terms Sony has brought. High sales, quality products, and a valuable image of the two working together. Simply stated they could have talked about taking this partnership further and could cross platform many of their products in the future.
Firefox Expansion
Recently Firefox launched a web browser for Android devices. It works similar to that of Firefox on PC by bringing add ons, speed, and security and Mozilla has been pretty happy with it. Let alone the Firefox fans seem to be enjoying it as well. Now that Mozilla has tasted the waters of another market, they could easily be wanting to expand even further. This is a common task with many companies. Amazon has expanded from a online retail store to a music cloud service, a movie studio, a online streaming service, among many other things. Netflix has expanded from a mail based rental company, to a fully fledged streaming service available on pretty much anything connected to a TV. If Mozilla has similar interest in expanding their services to new devices, you can almost guarantee Google would want Chrome on those same devices. What better way to get attention of an expansion then making PS3 fans go crazy?
E3 Is Around the Corner
E3 is just around the corner and with it comes several massive news releases. Facing the facts, Sony is probably the worst at keeping secrets. Usually a majority of Sony’s major announcements leak out one way or another, and a Chrome web browser or Google partnership could be one of those key announcements. Granted Sony has an act for mixing things up to keep it somewhat of a surprise and actually announce the leaked news at a later event.
Either way we can all agree that while having a web browser on PS3 is fantastic, it could still use a little work. Having Chrome would edge the PS3 one step further, and with a Google logo on the box many more consumers might feel obliged to buy a PS3. Even if this is nothing more than a rumor, perhaps if we talk about it enough the two companies will make something of it?
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